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» Evaluation Templates

This section contains several categories with a variety of questions in each category. If a sport organization feels that our suggested evaluation form is missing some key points, they can simply add questions from our list, or add their own questions to create an evaluation that meets their standards.

Each evaluation form that we have developed includes a marking system, making it easy to calculate the results. All of the evaluation forms, including the self evaluation form, can be saved and/or printed from our website.

Evaluation Templates

We encourage that these forms be completed by the athletes, individually. If assistance is required, it would be suggested that athletes fill out the forms with the help of their parents or guardians. Remember that although parents/guardians may have some input, the evaluations are to be filled out based on what the athlete believes. After the evaluations have been completed, they should be collected by an impartial party and returned to the club's head coach, technical director or administrator, or the appropriate individual, for review. Results should then be tallied and the information should be recorded and given back to the coach.

These evaluation templates have been divided into five categories:

  • Community/Grassroots Coach
  • Competitive Coach
  • High Performance Coach
  • Coach Self Evaluation
  • Coach Evaluation by an Athlete

Here are some more categories and questions that you may feel are necessary for your organization's evaluation forms:

  • Additional Questions to Consider